The Dark Side Of Gardasil

THE FIRST GARDASIL VACCINE caused several DEATHS at the beginning HPV vaccine Gardasil has a dark side, Star investigation finds. Dozens of opportunities for Dr. Lee to test Gardasil samples for contaminants The Dark Side of Gardasil · Dr Andrew Maniotis on Epidemics. En España la vacuna Gardasil, que protege contra .. Influence Hispanic College Women's HPV Vaccine Up- dark side of the forcé. Owens.

The Dark Side of Gardasil

Is one terminal illness more treatment worthy than another? If so - why? Should a consultant or a politician have the power to make the decision if this brave lady and others like her get access to the drugs that can prolong their lives? The Dark Side of Gardasil Toomey had to put up a momunental battle to get access to the drugs her lovely Ava needs - but still cannot get them within the state!

The Dark Side of Gardasil

Add into that Vioxx, Pandermix, and Thalidomide and we can all agree that whilst in the minority- serious injustices and serious adverse effects do happen. Not to forget that here we The Dark Side of Gardasil with the state dismissing our girls chronic illnesses following the HPV vaccine.

We send Philomena every good wish and pray that she gets the treatment that she needs. This is yet another appalling example of the failures of Ireland's, Simon Harris led, Health Authorities.

Time is running out for Philomena Canning The Philomena Canning Campaignone of our finest midwives and advocates for medical freedom in womens health, who has this urgent message for the HSE; https: Vincent's Hospital We are saddened to share with you this message from Philomena Canning, an Philomena sends her love to The Dark Side of Gardasil of her friends, supporters and former clients.

She does not wish for anyone to be upset, but asks that you keep strong for her, and remember how much she values your ongoing support. We ask that you do not try to call Philomena at this time. But if you'd like to message her through this page, we will forward it on. Political correctness is expected in all areas of decent society.

HPV vaccine: Thousands suffer serious side effects

That is except if you are speaking up for your HPV vaccine injured child. It then seems like all matter of vitriol is accepted. Listen to this mothers account of being trolled just for posting a picture of the manufactures PIL.

She didn't write it folks, or make it up - she just posted a photo of it! This is not acceptable. The trolls out in force on my last post re the size of the hpv patient info sheet. Really was no need! I do however want to know that if a controlled dose of a disease is being injected into my child's body - a vaccine - that it has undergone rigorous safety testing.

That means double blind randomised trials using an inert, or saline, placebo. The deadened disease m Aluminium is one of these additives. I don't want the placebo to contain that or any ingredient that is not inert.

Parents have a right to informed consent which means knowing that vaccines, HPV included, are not tested against true placebos - read the product insert for full information on this. They have a right to know that adverse effects data is only collected in the main for a matter of days. Yet the science clearly shows that adverse effects can take weeks and months to manifest. Mr O'Connor's comments reflect a PR strategy designed to alleviate parents' concerns by creating a red herring from which we wish to distance ourselves, because we've moved on from religious mores shaping The Dark Side of Gardasil thinking.

But it doesn't reflect the reality - that families in Ireland whose children became sick with listed side effects which were never long term tested are vaccinating families who deserve concern, respect and proper investigation of symptoms. And that includes this and any journalist reporting properly on the reality of harm unfolding in Ireland and across the globe.

Colton The Dark Side of Gardasil mum shares the devastating effects of her son's HPVvaccination. Utah teen, Colton, did not make it to his 18th birthday. In Ireland, instead of investigating why more than Irish Adverse Events cases, out of The Dark Side of Gardasil 1, cases reported to the HPRA, have been left 'unresolved', our health authorities tell the public to 'ignore the unfounded rumours'. Instead of investigating our sick daughters, Health Minister Simon Harris has pushed The Dark Side of Gardasil, and succeeded, in p How can we stand by in silent witness of the extensive injuries, reported worldwide, following this vaccination?

We thank Colton's mum for allowing us to share his heartbreaking journey, to ensure that he is never forgotten. We were not going to post this article as we are not an anti vax group, so really at first glance- it is not relevant to us. However - we know there are some that try to label us as such.

After Gardasil was licensed and three doses recommended for year old Dark side of the HPV vaccine Side effect or working exactly as designed?. The Dark Side Of Gardasil: My Story. southernbelle11xo. 93K views. 4 years ago · UK Families Speak: HPV Vaccines Changed Our Lives. SaneVax.

We want to clarify before we comment on this article- we are pro vaccine safety- not anti vax. After all - our daughters, now suffering with chronic illnesses post the HPV vaccine all got the vaccine- which obviously would not have happened if we were anti vax! Please think about that. So on to the article. This call for censorship is concerning.

Who is to say what should be censored and when? Type closed groups onto your facebook search engine and just look at the volume of diverse groups that come up.

The Dark Side of Gardasil

From menopause support, slimming groups, dementia support, cooking, bargain campervansDIY tips, Beating bartonella, extreme couponing, vegan diets - the list appears endless! Should facebook check every post in all of these to see if there is any perceived misinformation -and censor accordingly? Or is it just those perceived to be anti vax that require censorship? Who would make the call on what is misinformation or not?

Who would make the call whether a group is anti vax - or simply parents supporting each other through what is a very rough time, when their child has become ill following the hpv vaccine -and the authorities do not seem to care?

Can we be assured of their expertise and lack of conflict s of interest?

Side Effects after HPV Vaccine Gardasil

We are not promoting that as a treatment- as despite the hype- we never - ever offer medical advice. We obviously have nothing but good wishes for Vicky, and are highlighting it only as the article exemplifies how those with vaccine injuries are not given the same respect as other ill people. Our girls became ill following a state administered vaccine. The state will not offer them a treatment protocol or even engage with The Dark Side of Gardasil parents.

When the same parents that trusted the vaccination programme ask for help they are labelled anti vax. Our girls are still sick. Are freedom of speech, freedom of choice and informed consent, corner stones of the past. The makers of the Gardasil HPVvaccine https: The vaccine has also been approved for boys.

The 30 page legal document lists the indications, contraindications and adverse reactions that occurred during clinical trials, of which, include the following:. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy. Asthenia, chills, death, fatigue, malaise.

Treatment and Cure For Gardasil HPV Vaccine Injury Here is Leyla's Story

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, dizziness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, headache, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, syncope including syncope associated with tonicclonic movements and other seizure-like activity sometimes resulting in falling with injury, transverse myelitis. Are you thinking about the HPV vaccine for your child?

Please check out the below medical literature, doctor testimonies and testimonies from parents and children for informed consent.

There is no definite evidence showing the vaccine reduces the incidence of invasive cervical carcinoma. We thus conclude that further reduction of cervical cancers might be best achieved by optimizing cervical screening which carries no such risks and targeting other factors The Dark Side of Gardasil the disease rather than by the reliance on vaccines with questionable efficacy.

The Dark Side of Gardasil

A large collection of video testimonies from parents and children, regarding how the HPV Gardasil Vaccine has destroyed their lives………. Russell Blaylock — medical doctor and board certified neurosurgeon explains the complete scientific fraud and extreme dangers of the HPV Gardasil vaccine. Suzanne Humphries, reviews the vaccine insert for the HPV cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil and it becomes obvious why this vaccine leads all vaccines in vaccine related deaths and permanent vaccine induced injuries.

Independent lab analysis of Gardasil in Italy finds chemical contaminations from the manufacturing process and cross-contaminations from different production lines. They also determine there are missing antigens. Ireland Court Proceedings - as parents of HPV Gardasil vaccine victims sue the government in order to withdraw the approval of the vaccine to be distributed in that country - http: Video of teen girl struck down by Gardasil vaccine poison - http: The most prestigious medical review board in the world is also questioning the HPV vaccine, which guarantees the science behind this vaccine is fraudulent on all levels - http: Lead developer of the HPV vaccine testifies that it's not safe nor effective.

Dark side of the HPV vaccine https: Marcella on Gardasil https: Ampiginous choroiditis following quadrivalent human papilloma virus vaccine http: Association of acute cerebellar ataxia and human papilloma virus vaccination: Autoimmune hepatitis type 2 following anti-papillomavirus vaccination in a year-old girl https: Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus HPV vaccine Gardasil https: Bivalent HPV vaccine safety depending on subtypes of juvenile idiopathic arthritis http: Brachial plexus neuritis following HPV vaccination https: A case-control study of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine-associated autoimmune adverse events https: Cervical cancers after human papillomavirus vaccination https: Demyelinating disease and polyvalent human papilloma virus vaccination http: Demyelinating disease and vaccination of the human papillomavirus https: Development of unilateral cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy after human papilloma virus vaccination https: Erythema multiforme following vaccination for human papillomavirus https: A questionnaire-based study https: Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: Human papillomavirus HPV vaccines as an option for preventing cervical malignancies: Human papillomavirus vaccine and systemic lupus erythematosus https: Human papilloma virus vaccine associated uveitis https: Human papillomavirus vaccines, complex regional pain syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and autonomic dysfunction - a review of the regulatory evidence from the European Medicines Agency https: Hypersensitivity reaction to human papillomavirus vaccine due to polysorbate 80 https: Human papillomavirus vaccination syndrome--small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia could be its underlying pathogenesis https: Immune thrombocytopenic purpura following human papillomavirus vaccination https: Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease following vaccination against human papilloma virus infection and Japanese encephalitis https: A link between human papilloma virus vaccination and primary ovarian insufficiency: On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune diseases https: Orthostatic intolerance and postural tachycardia syndrome as suspected The Dark Side of Gardasil effects of vaccination against human papilloma virus https: Pancreatitis after human papillomavirus vaccination: Pancreatitis following human papillomavirus vaccination https: Japanese girls following immunization with the human papillomavirus vaccine https: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination https: Postural tachycardia syndrome following human papillomavirus vaccination https: Potential cross-reactivity between HPV16 L1 protein and sudden death-associated antigens https: Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination https: Severe manifestations of autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants Shoenfeld's syndrome.

Severe somatoform and dysautonomic syndromes after HPV vaccination: A year-old girl with bilateral visual loss and left hemiparesis following an immunization against The Dark Side of Gardasil papilloma virus https: Small Fiber Neuropathy Following Vaccination https: Syncope and seizures following human papillomavirus vaccination: Telogen effluvium following bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine administration: Two unclear cases of The Dark Side of Gardasil.

Can we still recommend HPV vaccination? An unmasking phenomenon in an observational post-licensure safety study of adolescent girls and young women https: Vaccine-related serious adverse events might have been under-recognized in the pivotal HPV vaccine randomized trial http: It included lots of interesting stats and info.

One thing that resonates with us is when she poses the question and we paraphrase: If people present to their doctor with illnesses that are listed as adverse events- do doctors ask -has this person been vaccinated recently? According to her this is because there are no figures available to them that suggest that they should. Las vacunas no tratan el virus de VPH preexistente. Todavía no hay datos disponibles de largo plazo, por lo que no se sabe durante cuanto tiempo la vacuna es efectiva.

Las vacunas deben administrarse a niñas y mujeres entre 9 y 16 años antes del inicio de la actividad sexual. Si tienen dicho programa, deben monitorear a las Se pueden visualizar varias preguntas, dudas y medidas correctivas: Primero, en los comités de ética, generalmente, la mayoría de los miembros son expertos externos. El personal de tierra, es decir, los médicos, bioquímicos, farmacéuticos y el instituto anfitrión pueden o no aceptar estos comentarios.

Se requiere honestidad e integridad. Otra razón importante para hacer los ensayos clínicos en India es que tenemos varias escuelas de medicina y farmacia y tenemos abundante personal dispuesto a realizar cualquier estudio, incluyendo The Dark Side of Gardasil clínicos cuestionables. Hay muchas empresas en Hyderabad. La mayoría de los ensayos clínicos asignados a India u otros países en desarrollo son de medicamentos The Dark Side of Gardasil, que pueden no ver la luz del día.

Como ya se señaló, los estudios toxicológicos de los medicamentos son el objetivo principal de los patrocinadores, es decir, las compañías farmacéuticas extranjeras.

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